Graphic design that works, beautifully.

Baltimore Sun Media

Exterior and interior experiential graphic design communicate the story of the Sun’s environment with thoughtful, branded navigation solutions, linking signage to the space it serves. The detailed graphics program reinforce the publication’s identity and mission, highlighting key moments in its history, including news stories and Pulitzer Prize walls. Baltimore Sun Media headquarters is located in Port Covington, Maryland.

For Baltimore Sun Media and SOM, as an employee of SOM
Awards: Platinum Muse Design Award

 Experiential graphics included creating imagery that cleverly correlated with functions of each space within the office.

Experiential graphics included creating imagery that cleverly correlated with functions of each space within the office.

 In the main conference room named “Maryland” the popular and readily recognizable State Flag was elegantly and appropriately stenciled on the wall and tiled typographically with newsprint featuring over 100 published articles by The Sun.

In the main conference room named “Maryland” the popular and readily recognizable State Flag was elegantly and appropriately stenciled on the wall and tiled typographically with newsprint featuring over 100 published articles by The Sun.

 Framed rotogravure replicas on aluminum plates featuring the Sun’s papers throughout the century line the newsroom hallway, and inspirational quotes and award-winning photo journalism peppered through the space continue to inspire staff.

Framed rotogravure replicas on aluminum plates featuring the Sun’s papers throughout the century line the newsroom hallway, and inspirational quotes and award-winning photo journalism peppered through the space continue to inspire staff.
