Chicago Public Library: Little Italy Branch
The experiential graphics and signage concept stemmed from the new building’s facade inspiring us to bring back a retired font paired with bright colors to complement the concrete space. Ancient puzzles such as the rebus and tangrams for the children’s area were customized adding a playful element to the interiors.
For SOM, as an employee of SOM
Awards: ULI Visionary Award
AIA/ ALA Library Building Award
Instagram-ready graphics are proudly displayed at the Library’s entrance. The font takes inspiration from the building’s facade pattern of vertical lines.
A Tangram wilderness scene compiled of cut-out colorful felt in the Children’s area provides hours of puzzle play with multiple combinations of the seven geometric shapes. Other puzzles like the rebus “Comb + Ewe + Knit + Tea” is displayed in the Community room shared between the Library and Apartment Housing next door.