University of Chicago Student Wellness Center
Studio J9 collaborated with Wight & Company to design signage for the University of Chicago's 30,000 SF student wellness center which provides students access to physical, mental and social health services. The project includes a new addition to the building that infills an existing courtyard, and the renovation of two wings of an existing historical hospital.
For The University of Chicago
Offering a sanctuary-like space for everyone on campus, the design concept is calm, quiet and inviting, welcoming patients into the space with a plaque at the entry portal with messaging about the building's rich history and the mission of the Wellness Center.
A welcoming softly-lit etched glass window references the Center "always has a light on" for students to feel safe and have services available to them in a confidential manner. Other signage elements in the center include reception desk signage and an etched patterned glass wall to provide privacy.